How to build a fan base for your music
Before having thoughts of massive popularity; music bands, rappers and singers should solely focus on creating high-quality music content as this is what naturally sells to the music lovers. Artists who own creative contents barely have tough times trying to market themselves. Instead, it is the fans, record companies and media houses that are after them, and this is what leads to recording-breaking record sales.
Still, marketing is an important facet of any business, and music is not in exclusion. Band/artists with new music must look for a proper avenue such as radio/TV stations where their songs can be played. Music lovers often interact with their favorite songs through the radio or TV. Therefore, the channels that must be first targeted when there is a need to improve the fan base.
CD Duplication
Upcoming artists mostly rely on CDs to sell their music. For better music revenue margins, the CDS should be produced in the right numbers, and the cover must also be great to market the artist in an interesting way. By having an agreement with trusted CD duplication firms, a music band can save itself the embarrassment of dealing with piracy issues, and embark on a path that leads to better music flow to the potential audience.
Social networking
Upcoming artists must strive to build reputable networking profiles which they can use to connect with the public. Social media platforms can be used to inform a fan base of any new music collaborations, video, show schedules, special TV/radio show appearances, and any other event that adds value to the profile of an upcoming band/music group. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some of the world’s popular social media platforms that have vast and diverse user base. Artists can find it simple to market their creative content to the fan group, and also narrow down on the target group.
Online music streaming
There are also online platforms that solely deal in music services, and the most popular brands in this marketing category are Spotify, Tidal, and MySpace. By posting your music on any of the mentioned platforms, you can make some money as long as you have a reputable number of subscribers who can stream your songs and some popularity to them. Posting your songs on the platforms isn’t enough. Independent artist has to strive further to inform potential listeners on where they can listen to the new single hit on the market. Through the platforms, it is possible to learn about the general music trends by checking the genres that are most preferred by the audience. Such information makes it possible to come up style changes that work to the advantage of both the music creators and buyers.
Live shows and appearances
Though music creators and listeners are obsessed with digital downloads, still it is advisable that upcoming artists should invest on live appearances. Live performance is the best way through which a band can build a solid foundation, and thereby find it easy to take over the online world. Music shouldn’t be made only for digital downloads. Live performances are a significant source of revenue for many artists, and also serve as a direct and straightforward source of publicity without resorting to controversial online acts. The live audience also influences online discussions. If a music band manage to build a solid live fan base count, then dominating online forums becomes easy, and many fans mean better revenues and popularity as the long as the quality of the music content is one which many people would love to identify with.