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Atlanta Disc


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DVD Duplication

header-dvdAtlantadisc.com offers affordable DVD Duplication for you project. We offer fast turn around times usually 24 to 48 hours for short run jobs. We have price guarantee with no hidden fees. We offer a cost effective DVD duplication process for most business, churches, artist and associations. DVD and DVD ROM duplication begins with the master DVD you the customer supply us. We then duplicate the DVD using state of the art duplicating equipment..

Bulk DVD’s

Quantity Price
25 $55
50 $85
100 $119
200 $235
300 Call for price
DVD Duplication Prices Bulk

DVD Duplication W/Cases and Wrap Around (insert)

Quantity Price
25 $75
50 $105
100 $219
200 $435
Larger Quantity Call for Prices
Front Insert / Black or Color Print

DVD’s in Slim Cases

Quantity Price
25 $65
50 $89
100 $145
200 $312
300 $435
400 Call for prices
500 Call for prices
The Above prices are DVD Duplication with black or Color print with the DVD packaged in a Slim Jewel Case.


These prices are for premium package DVD Duplication, The worx, complete packaging in DVD case with insert wrap around. We offer shrink wrapping for .10 cents per DVD.

Call us Today at 678-565-8630 or Email us at Atlantadisc@aol.com