Sometimes giving away your music is better than sleeping on it. I met a guy who had 500 Cd’s leftover from a CD Duplication job of 1000 Cd’s he did back in the year of 2000. I didn’t say anything to him when he said he had 500 CD’s in a closet. He would have been better to give those CD’s away and create a few new fans. You should think about giving away your music if you can’t sell it. The best option is to have mix of selling digital downloads, selling CD’s and giving away your music.
Is the CD Dead? Alot of people think the Cd is dead. But if you are a independent artists the CD is a great way to get your music in your fans hand. If you are selling your CD after shows it’s a lot better than standing on stage shouting a URL for your fans to go visit. sell them a CD right after the show. The problem with downloads is that they are hard for people who are not computer savvy.
Call me today to get your project duplicated. 678-780-1722 or email me at We have special for 100 Cd’s for $39 that is great for promoting your act.